
A boy comes home and proudly announces to his parents:
— Mom, dad, the teacher asked the class a question today and I was the only one who knew the right answer!
The parents are very happy and ask:
— That's amazing Lenny! And what was the question?
Sticking out his chest, the boys says:
— Who farted?!


A boy comes home and proudly announces to his parents:
— Mom, dad, the teacher asked the class a question today and I was the only one who knew the right answer!
The parents are very happy and ask:
— That's amazing Lenny! And what was the question?
Sticking out his chest, the boys says:
— У тебя хуй видно, в курсе?

A boy comes home and proudly announces to his parents:
— Mom, dad, the teacher asked the class a question today and I was the only one who knew the right answer!
The parents are very happy and ask:
— Have you already washed your ass?

A boy comes home and proudly announces to his parents:
— Mom, dad, the teacher asked the class a question today and I was the only one who knew the right answer!
The parents are very happy and ask:
— That's amazing Lenny! And what was the question?
Sticking out his chest, the boys says:
— Who palit v konec aneka?

Для тех, кто не онгличанин: там про Вовочку и пердёж, но никто не особсрался.

A boy comes home and proudly announces to his parents:
- Слышь! Заебали, да..?

Мальчик приходит со школы домой и говорит родителям:
-Мам, пап, учитель задал классу вопрос, ответ на который знал только я.
Радостные родители говорят:
-Это здорово, Леня! А какой был вопрос?
-Кто пукнул?

Да, вот такой я невзъебенный лингвист.

Надеюсь, что мне хоть какая-нибудь телка из этого паблика теперь даст. Типа, "Ты такой умный... У меня аж мякушка на трусиках сзади выступила".

The director comes into a school. Boy is going round near classroom, repeating one phrase: "What is the significance?" and looks very confusing. D: "Why are you there and why are so confusing?"
B: "Look, I farted into a classrom, and teacher push me away"
D: "Hm-m-m-m, it is awful... "
B: "What is the significance, if another children are in classroom?"


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