4 месяца назад

A man walks into a Soviet shop. He asks the clerk, “You don’t have any meat?” The clerk says, “No, here we don’t have any fish. The shop that doesn’t have any meat is across the street.”


4 месяца назад

A bear is walking through the forest. He sees burning car, sits into it and burns down

4 месяца назад

A man walks into a Soviet shop. He asks the clerk, “You don’t have any meat?” The clerk, Georgian man, says, “Are you wash your ass?”

4 месяца назад

A man walks into a Soviet shop. He asks the clerk, “You don’t have any meat?” The clerk says, “Die, monkey!"

4 месяца назад

A man walks into a Soviet shop. He asks the clerk, “You don’t have any meat?” The clerk says, “Why do you think so? We have meat, fish and many other goods.”
Кто не понял, мужик был иностранцем и зашёл в «Берёзку».

4 месяца назад

A man walks into a Soviet shop, and the Armenians play tables game there.

4 месяца назад

A man walks into a Soviet shop. And the store is just right for him.

4 месяца назад

A man enters a Soviet store. He asks the salesperson: "Do you have any meat?" The salesperson says: "No, we don't have any fish or meat here. Especially not any meat!"

4 месяца назад

A man walks into a Soviet shop. He asks the clerk, “You don’t have any meat?” The clerk says, “Мясо есть, а жизни нет. Пойдём в подсобку, мордастенький, я тебе барбарысок отсыплю.”

4 месяца назад

Бля, я репетитор английского с начальным advanced, но я не понел прекол спросонья

4 месяца назад

A man walks into a Soviet shop. He asks the clerk, “You don’t have any meat?” The clerk points to the counter. And there sits the major and shakes his finger: "dosprashivaeshsija"

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