7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog asks: "What's bark?".


7 лет назад

Korean man asks "What's dog?"

Haha very funny joke like pls

7 лет назад

казалось бы, причем тут нэвэльный

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog said: "Ya vegan"

7 лет назад

Анек просто пиздец какой грустный на самом деле

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog asks: "What's dilighans?".

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog asks: "о, вы из англии?".

7 лет назад

Три собаки, американская собака, польская собака и русская собака, посетившая США. Американская собака рассказывала им, как обстоят дела в этой стране. Он сказал: «Вы знаете, вы лаете достаточно долго, и кто-то приходит и дает вам мясо». Половая собака спрашивает: «Что такое мясо?». Русская собака спрашивает: «Что такое лай?».

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US,but for the moment they don't live together

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog asks: "Do you know, I see your dick"

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