7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog asks: "What's bark?".


7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US, especially the russian one.

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog asks: "There is even no where to put on your hat in your shitplace"

7 лет назад

hree dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog had a visit to the North Korea. Kim Jong Un ate them all.

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog says: "Ya sherstyanoy volchara, kak moshni moi lapishi!"

7 лет назад

Alexey Panin asks "Where's dog?"

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog asks: "Че, умный, английский выучил? А как тебе такое: POSHEL NAXUI PIDOR".

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog says: "I don't know oats in this. But I don't give a fuck".

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog said: "Stop looking at the end of anek, stupid cunt!"

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog said: "Gav".

7 лет назад

Three dogs, an american dog, a polish dog and a russian dog having a visit to the US. An american dog was telling them about how things were in this country. He said: "You know, you bark long enough and somebody comes and gives you meat". A polish dog asks: "What's meat?". A russian dog asks: "London is a capital of Great Britain".

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