Two penguins were walking across an iceberg. One penguin turned to the second penguin and said, "You look like you're wearing a tuxedo". And the second penguin said, "Maybe I am".
Пингвина, который любил длинные куртки, отпиздили в парке.
Two penguins were walking across an iceberg. One penguin turned to the second penguin and said, "You know, your tuxedo is showing". And the second penguin said, "Do I know?! My, I wrote it myself!".
tuxedo - это дилижанс?
Я смотрю, админ - большой любитель английского, но где чертеж?
Two penguins were walking across an iceberg. One penguin turned to the second penguin and said, "You look like you're wearing a tuxedo". And the second penguin said:
Слова то какие заморские...ну, ладно, соси.
Из Твин Пикс же?)
– Two penguins were walking across an iceberg. One penguin turned to the second penguin and said, "You look like you're wearing a tuxedo". And the second penguin said, "Maybe I am".
– Слова-то какие заморские. Ну, ты соси, соси