Watson comes home and sees Holmes with young girl in a bed.
W: Oh God, Holmes! Is she in a high school?
H: Elementary, my dear Watson!
Watson comes home and sees Holmes with young girl in a bed.
W: Oh God, Holmes! Is she in a high school?
H: Ин э хай скул, а тебе говна на стул!!!
И уебал Ватсону по роже.
Watson comes home and sees homeless with young girl in a bed.
You fucking idiots i saw thes full video, he cried young girl from elementary school i love you i don't want to jail
Watson comes
And this girl's name was Albert Einstein!
Watson comes home and sees Holmes with young girl in a bed.
W: Oh God, Holmes! Is she in a high school?
H: Слова-то какие заморские! Ладно, становись в очередь, следующим сосать будешь.
Watson comes home and sees Holmes with young girl in a bed.
Watson cums...
Watson comes home and sees Holmes with young girl in a bed.
W: Oh God, Holmes! Is she in a high school?
H: Guys, it is not necessary to open this topic. You are young, playful, easy to you all. It's not that. It is not Chikatilo or even the security services archives. It is better not to go. Seriously, any of you will be sorry. It is better to close the topic and forget what's been written. I fully understand that this announcement further interest call, but I hasten to warn inquisitive - stop. Others simply do not find.
Цфеыщт сщьуы рщьу фтв ыууы Рщдьуы цшер нщгтп пшкд шт ф иув.
Ц: Щр Пщв, Рщдьуы! Шы ыру шт ф ршпт ысрщщд?
Р: Удуьутефкн, ьн вуфк Цфеыщт!
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