6 лет, 1 месяц назад

went to a restaurant on the moon this weekend. food was great, but there was no atmosphere


6 лет, 1 месяц назад

went to a restaurant on the moon this weekend. food was great, but there was no place to hang my hat

6 лет, 1 месяц назад

went to a restaurant on the moon this weekend. food was great, but there was no atmosphere. And what is more, there were some armenians playing nardes...

6 лет, 1 месяц назад

Извечный вопрос: а что бы изменилось, если бы шутку перевели? (Спойлер: ровно нихрена)

Ходил в ресторан на луне на выходных. Блюда были отменные, но никакой атмосферы.

6 лет, 1 месяц назад

повыёбываться то надо)

6 лет, 1 месяц назад

atmosphere this weekend was great but moon went to a restaurant

6 лет, 1 месяц назад

went to a restaurant on the moon this week end. there were two armenian men, one of them told: look, ara, the circus has come

6 лет, 1 месяц назад

- В вашем ебаном гадюшнике - никакой атмосферы!!!

6 лет, 1 месяц назад

Эээ... London is the capital of Great Britain?

6 лет, 1 месяц назад


6 лет, 1 месяц назад

Заебали .. на японском смешнее?

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